Sunday, June 01, 2008


in 56 days, i shall be embarking on another phase of my life. onward to the pc2 detachment all the way in arizona. nope, it's not gonna be the same as in pensacola but i'm sure it's gonna be way better than present. there are many things that i am reluctant to leave behind though, mainly my family and friends. i've kinda settled down back home but i guess it's time i'm uprooted again and planted at another plot.

apart from that, nothing much has been going on in my life. i've come to realise that i'm not doing very much with it. my passion for scuba diving took a backseat ever since my return to the country. nope, i haven't lost the love for being able to breathe underwater and to be able to explore this underwater realm that we understand so little about. it's just that big boy responsibilities have kept me terrastrial for a while. there isn't going to be very much scuba at all in arizona and i'm a little perturbed. gosh how i miss the way the hair on the back of my neck stands when a bullshark pops out from beyond the murky curtain, or how my heart raced as mike and i decended into the dark wreck in search of new adventures and discoveries, 10miles off shore, at night. that was living life.

these days, i seem to spend more time at work than at home. something that i've always dreaded. something that a younger me would never allow. to allow work to take over my life. so what if fighter flying is what i do? i used to enjoy it, even look forward to it. but that was a while ago. in another world, with the US Navy.

no one really gets satisfied with his own life is there?

56 days. so near, yet distant.

Good morning starshine, the earth says hello
you twinkle above us, we twinkle below
good morning starshine, you lead us along
my love and me
as we sing our
early morning singing song
